Ever since Jake died by suicide, I've often wondered what could have made a difference. About a year ago I stumbled upon the Crisis Text Line. It is a free service offering help to people in crisis through texting. Wow, If Jake new about this option maybe he would have reached out for help.
I decided to volunteer as a crisis counselor. After 34 hours of online training I was good to go and began helping people. It’s amazing how many people are hurting and suicidal, I wish I knew then what I know now. Basically, people text on their phones to 741741. This connects to me on my computer, a secure environment within the crisis text line platform. I take 1 or 2 or even 3 conversations at a time and honestly, for most it makes a difference. Consider volunteering yourself, click the link and become part of those doing this in Jake’s memory. Eileen started a few months ago and so far we have helped almost 400 kids/teens/young adults/and even people our age through Crisis. It's stressful sometimes, always important, and seems for now like the best way possible to honor Jake’s memory.
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